For TUOG is session which I most afraid of, because at first, I thought to myself, I did not have any clue what it is about. But, as the module run through, then I relised that I have been doing it in my centre all along.
As for my ACL group, we actually shared ideas and tasks on the Mission : Operation Young Ones, and we also indirectly come to the same goals that is to come out with a mission’s template which can be use for the any future target group.
How do I and my ALS members work as a group?
After we received; the Mission : Operation Young Ones, Priscilla make out a schedule/timetable on the days and time to go online, for us to choose we quickly come to agreement on the day and time. Since this is the 4th module for Ding, Binn and myself and the 3rd together with Phaik Nie, Priscilla, and Cheng, we have no problem on selecting the time where everyone can attend (except that unforseen circumstances). Everyone of us are very directly and actively involved, since at first, we are quite “blur-blur” on the choosing the target group. After the 3rd tries finding the target group, Ding and myself came out on why not target on shelters/orphanage, then everything and informations just flowed in. We researched by googling into this target group and then Priscilla input and provided alot of facts.
Together we came out with the Aim, Objective, Program aims, Activities selected, Intended outcomes, Approach method, Target group and age, Pre-group assessment and Post-group assessment.
As an end result, we have the 8 session of activities following the guidelines provide by Alex using the Dramatherapy format.
What are the different ways that I and the group members interacts?
At one time, Ding and myself were so lost, when we have chosen the earlier 2 target groups which was not appropriate to use in our Mission – Operation Young Ones. Lost in the sense that we poured in so much into the 1st : Mission of Youth – Sexual Education and 2nd : Mission of Youth: Depression in adolescent - Assessment and Intervention and very disappointed that we were on the wrong track. Then by chances we both were online that night, and we came out with the idea of the “orphanage” and from here onwards, there were no stopping for the whole ASL members until we achieved the 8 session of the Group Therapy for this mission.
Sad to say Ding, was unable to join a few online session due to her hectic schedule, and I missed her.
Are there any personality conflicts?There were no personality conflicts in our ASL group.
At one time, Alex asked us “If you are animal what animal symbols would you choose and what would you choose for your members?”
I have chosen: Ding – Rabbit, Cheng – Goat and Priscilla – Tiger and myself – Deer
When I was asked why?
My answers:
Rabbit – Ding was always fresh, young and nurturing.
Goat – Cheng very homely and likes to eat.
Tiger – Priscilla born a leader likes to learn new things.
Deer – myself – see myself gentle, creative, kind (oh mine, still in me, “I don’t like to see suffering”)
I will also choose
Horse – Seok Binn always running around helping others, and not to forget her children.
Sparrow – Phaik Nie very fragile, homely, very ‘princess like’
Can anybody tells me why I chosen these 2?
I did the animal symbols test online and I got the results as these, true I am a DEER.
For 36,84 % you are: You are...A DEER! You're artistic, creative, very compassionate, gentle, and kind. You like to delve into very complicated artistic activities such as drawing, sketching, or playing music. You're always there when a friend needs you. 16.7067 % of 92352 Quiz participants had this profile!
You could also get this result:
For 0,00 % you are: You are...A WOLF! Your utmost priority is leadership and kindness. You make friends easily and steadily, learn quickly, and care about others, hurting as much as they do when they're having a hard time.
Or even this one:
For 21,05 % you are: You are...A BEAR! You're laid back, rather easygoing, and compassionate. You are rather unorganized, like to eat, and may be overweight. You cry over trivial matters, often, but are also there when a friend needs a laugh.
Or even this one:
For 10,53 % you are: You are...AN EAGLE! You're serious, concentrated, calculating, and judging. You are a natural born leader, and can be compassionate towards close friends. You may come off rather bossy to some.
I truly hope this will not be the end of our online interaction.