Sunday, September 13, 2009

Therapeutic Group Session for Autistic

As I am with an autistic centre, I am trying to check whether I am at the right track or not. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Dramatherapy Group: Beginning

Session no: 1 of 4 sessions

Duration: 45 mins to 1 hour

Target group of children: mild to moderate autism

Age : Adolescents

Main aims of session:
1) Communication skills - more able to express themselves
2) Social skills - interact more among themselves
3) To build up team work.

Group of 8 children

1. Introduction (5 mins) - searching for friends name
Equipment: Plastic fruits
• Get all children seated in a circle, allocate 1 type of fruits to each child.
• Children to introduce themselves and show their fruit
• Children needs to remember their friends’ fruit
• Now facilitator will place all the fruits into a bag.
• Children will takes their turn to pick the fruit from the bag.
• If the child knows who the fruit belongs to, she will call out the name.
• If the child do not knows, he will ask for help by asking, “Whose fruit is this?”
• Continue until all names are called.

2. Drawing – 10 mins
Since this is the 1st session, I was thinking to ask the children to draw something that symbolise themselves.
Posted question to the children:
• Now let’s do something special today, we are going to draw, you can draw anything.
• You can draw things that are happy, sad or exicting things.
• You can colour it with many colours or you can choose 1 colour.
(The reason for this drawing is that, I would like to know what type of mood are they in, in coming to this session. I know some of the children are not very happy in coming. I was hoping that in the session 4 which I intended to end the group therapy, I will again ask them to draw and would like to compare with the drawing from the 1st session and I am hoping to get a different answers)

3. Warming up games – 10 mins
Motion ball – equipment : ball
• Children in a circle, 1st child start to throw the ball.
• Children need to call out the friend’s name before throwing to him/her.
• Once the children have completed a full circle of throwing the balls, add a second ball and repeat the motion.
• This game creates a pattern of motion – children will have concentration and focus.

4. Obstacle course – 10 mins
Hula Hoop relay – equipment: hoop and stick
• Divide the children into 2 teams, a hula hoop for each team.
• Start by establishing a course – straight line to a goal (which I placed a cone)
• When the race begin, the 1st player rolls the hoop using the stick – along the straight line, reaches the goal, make a ‘U’ turn and rolls the hoop back to his/her teammate and passes the hoop to him/her.
• The race will continue until all children have completed the course.

5. Calming down – 10 mins
To releases tension – relaxing.
• Children to lie on the mat with a pillow under their head, close eyes breathe in and breathe out
• Open eyes, roll eyes left to right then up and down.
• Grip and release right hand and repeat on the left hand
• Lift shoulders, try to touch their ears for 3 times.
• Gentlely turn their heads from left to right for 3 times
• Yawn then pout like a fish
• Wrinkle their nose
• Wriggle their fingers
• Then gentely roll on to your right side and slowly get up.

6. Closure
Reinforce the session by questioning :
1. Do you like this session?
2. Which activity you enjoy most?
3. Today _______ (name of the child) has been a good boy. I will give him a sticker.


  1. Hi Melinda,

    You r very detail in planning the program...are u running a play group at the centrer? Suggestion: Can the child be given the choice to pick the fruit instead of it being allocate to them? Is it a real fruit or a toy?

    At Closure: #3 - 'Today ______ has been a good boy, I will give him a sticker' - *not encouraged to compare the children.

    What Age group for the autistic adolescent? Suggest You make the activity suit the level of child. When r u starting this or has aready started?

    Since u r with the centre, guess you know the child better and their capabilities. enjoy ur sessions...

  2. Actually this has already passed, I was given brief guidelines and I have to plan for the games. The fruits are toys. About the closure, I didn't know the negative impact of that, bcos I was told to do that part. Age group, the boys and girls in Form 1 to 5, including Ernest and also 2 more working older than Ernest about 3 years.
    At present there are no more session, I just want to know whether what I did was okay.

  3. Hi Melinda,
    Not to worry over what had happened... we r always learning whenever we r in any group sessions. Even for me in the Ramak' gp it is still learning with the children, SB and Keith...

  4. Since the groupwork has happened, how do you built the evaluation into your initial planning?. To evaluate you need the criteria against which it is being evaluated, the criteria is the comparison of your intended outcomes against the actual outcomes, the outcomes is the expectations you have based on your objectives and aims for the groupwork and you need to establish a baseline assessment to make the comparison of 'before' and 'after' The tools of assessment need to be considered in your planning before embarking on the groupwork
    itself. Does the assessment take into account the individual, the group.and the medium? It is great that you provide such details of the activities, it is a lot for a single session...consider streamlining your session aims especially its the first session of a very short programme of 4 sessions. I think I would personally go for a developmental approach which in the beginning uses more sensory and kinesthetic activities...remember EPR Embodiment, Projection, Role
