Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1st online discussion with the group on Mission

I have only little experience on Group Therapy, and that also to a very selected group that was autistic children.

We have narrowed down to age group of 13-14 years old. X10 have given the issues that we might tackle eg.,alcohol abuse, substace abuse, internet addiction/phornographic, depression youth, how about: normal kids, but focused on relationship/affairs, boy girl relationship, sexual educ, etc.

We have not have the full concension from the members, because Priscilla and Phaik Nie are unable to come online.

But anyway, since we have came online, we decided to use the Google Doc to do the input of data on the daring subject of "Sexual Education".

Since I have already opened up a doc on Mission Code Name: Operation Young Ones so we used it. You can not imagined, everything keep on follow in to the documents and the wonder of the Cheng, X10 and Seok Binn.

The next online discussion will be on 17th Sept, Thursday 7pm

1 comment:

  1. Interesting choice! May want to think about how you are going to deal with any issues with the education department with regards to their own sex programmes in school that is if they have any?
