Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mission of Youth : Operation Young Ones (Adolescents)

Last night we gone online again to discuss about out assignment, Seok Binn was down with sunstroke on Sunday (volunteered on the Zhi Chi charity fair) and she sounded very bad after a while we urged her to rest. Phaik Nie sent her apologies for unable to attend, and that left Pris, X10, Cheng and myself.

We have input lots of data into our dramatherapy form, I have already finished my 1 session input.

This time round, we have chosen target group - orphanage to run our group therapy. At 1st, we thought of taking X10's group senerio, but she suggested why not we make group therapy template which is able to use in orphanages in the future.

As X10 and myself went through searching in the net before this session we found alot of shocking and sadness news, it really breaks one heart to know.

X10, found this article in the NST:
The Article from NST - 24 June 2009 stated The world has 143 million orphans, six times the population of Malaysia. There are 500,000 orphans living in orphanages nationwide and about 100 babies are abandoned each year with many more cases going unreported. With these figures in mind, OrphanCARE, under the patronage of Sultanah Kalsom of Pahang, was established last year. The one-stop centre aims to place every orphan and abandoned baby with a loving family by coordinating and working with the government in the adoption process.

We put up our AIM:
To recognize of the needs, wishes and feelings of the youth

To provide social support and allow the children to express themselves

Objective (specific purpose):

to provide support for the youth to allow youth to share problem to let the youth to accept him/herself

1.to build up rappo and trust among each other-melinda
2.able to support group members with trust
3.problem solving together-cheng
4.improve social adjustment to build on relationships-sb
5. increase insights
6. able to cope with the stress.
7. provide an avenue for airing of issues

Warm Up:
Opening ritual:

1. What's my name.
Time: 15mins
Aims :
-Getting to know each other
-Introducing oneself
-Training visual memory
-Reducing inhibition through movement
How to play:
1 by 1 the children make a movemnot or gesture while saying their own names. the other children then repeat the movement and the name. After everyone in the circle has said his name and demonstrated a gesture to go with it, go aroung the circle again and give everyone another chance to link up people's names with their gestures. Now the 1st player stands up and says, "What's My Name?" Players who think they remember it raise their hands. If they say the right name, the second player takes her turn, and so on.
Examples of Gestures:
Reach for the sky
Cross hands in front of chest

2. Self Protrail
Time: 15mins
Material : drawing paper, crayon and colour pencil
-self image

Draw self, Left column Negative, right coloum Po

Main Development:
Mine Fields
Time: 15mins
Material: blind, paper or bottles
1 partner is blind-folded and must walk through a "mine field". Things represent the mines will be placed on the playing field. the other partner tells the blind-folded partner where to walk. If he touches a mine, he's is out. Therefore communication is very important.
-Listening skills esp. to the partner's voice
-Good communication
-Senses skill

Shake It Loose
-learn to relax
-learn to trust and follow the partner
Time : 20 mins
Material : Mat
Help the children learn to relax by giving them direct feedback.
1 child lies on the floor and lets another child move his limbs around, initially the child who is lying relaxed on the floor can feel it if his limbs don't flop freely. the child who is moving the arm or leg can instantly feel any resistance. The chioldren practive letting go of muscle tension and learn to trust each other.
Do it by pairs -
He lets his partner leg stay on the ground, but shakes it gently back and forth. If the lying down child is really relaxed, then the leg and foot will roll freely
Lift the leg by grabbing the calf and shake it until the foot swings very loosely.
Move the leg around.
Note : make sure not to spoil the trust by sudden movements and don't drop that leg. After finishing switch roles.

White light
-learn to further relax
-Positive thinking = create positive feeling in the body

Time: 10 mins
Material: mat
Children lie or sit on the ground, close their eyes and follow instruction.
Feel yr breathing becoming slow and regular. Put yr attention on a spot above yr head and imagine a white light shining there. the light can shine though the crown of your head and come inside you. the light flows into every part of your body. The light brings you energy and strength. it will make you feel stronger.
First you feel the white light in yr head, then it flows down into yr throat, yr chest, and yr heart. you can feel the light in yr shoulders, now it slows down yr arms to yr fingers. If you feel tension in yr body, let it flow away through yr fingertips. Now you feel the shite light flowing down yr back and through yr belly. Next it flows down yr legs and right down to yr feet. You can feel the white light flowing through yr whole body. It makes you feel safe and warm. Yr breathing is getting more and more relaxed.
After finish talking, let the children lie there fr a few more minutes. Then as them to start moving gently and stretch out. Invite them to talk about their experiences of this relaxation exercise.

(Prompted by Pris. that some of the children are afraid to closed their eyes, but white light also can be played with the eyes open).

Hope that I am at the right track.

Now, I need to go and brainstorm myself, "How to create a magical space for storytelling". This project was handed by Priscilla to me for the coming World Mental Health day on 101009. I really hope that i will not dissapoint her.


  1. If the ALS group has decided to focus your groupwork on adolescents who are residing and being cared for in orphanages, stay specific to that context, instead of writing as if it was for the 'youth' in general. Thus consider what is it about adolescent growing up in institutions such as orphanages would warrant your intervention in terms of addressing their emotional, psychological, social and developmental needs maybe unique to this section of our society in comparison to the adolescents in mainstream society. Thus once identified what they are, can your aims and objectives be established for your groupwork intervention. Then when your aims and objectives has been established then the means to achieved them could be considered which basically is the bulk of your sessional planning.

  2. Hi Melinda,
    I m touch by your commitment for WMHD 101009: "I really hope that I will not disappoint her..."

    However it seemed pressure for u having to brainstorm urself... I remember asking your interest, seeing the enthusiasm on TUOS when we were working on the story book. My style is always to put the system to test, that is the best learning. My apology if I hv not explained clearly. We r a team here ya...Allow me to clarify TUOS need not hv to be presented in public if you feel the pressure. Hope that helps.

  3. looks like we need to narrow our AIMS/ focus and work on the needs of the kids in Ramakrishna. that is what i understand from the comment.

  4. seems like we have to further fine tune the objectives to be more specific. Below are my thoughts:-

    1.to build up rapport and trust among each other-melinda
    2.able to support group members with trust - I Ling
    I feel that 1 & 2 are objective and outcome, once we build up the group trust, the outcome that we are looking at is they are able to support group members with trust. The main objective we are looking at is building their trust towards others and games related to trust.

    3.problem solving together-cheng
    we might want to change this text rather than mentioning problem solving together, what is the value we are looking at from the problem solving together. Group work or coorperative? or teach the children to respect each others and acceptance of other opinions in the process of problem solving?

    4.improve social adjustment to build on relationships-sb
    What is the relationship we are targeting and what's kind of social adjustment we are looking at? Or this is targeting to help the children in their transitioning into home from their previous family?

    5. increase insights
    need further explaination on this, what's insights we are targeting to increase?

    6. able to cope with the stress.
    we might need to specify what's kind of stress we are looking at? stress from school, transition from previous family to home, or stress from relationship?

    7. provide an avenue for airing of issues
    i am not sure of this too..need help from team to explain further.

    Need further help from team before i choose an objectives to further work on. Thanks!
