Sunday, October 18, 2009

TOUG in my group of adolescents

What can I do with the adolescent from my centre, who are no longer interested in coming for the therapies assigned to them, like music therapy, play therapy and etc. Lately, I have noticed that this group that I mentioned seems like avoiding in going into the session, or if they are working, they will tell their parents that they are tried, or "I will do OT in my work place, I don't want to go to the centre" and etc. Even my Ernest, seem happy if I missed a session, because of lately my father-in-law is not well, I have to miss some session.

How can I do a TOUG with this group so that they can bound up further with the centre. It is not easy to do set up my aims esp it is with autistics.

Possible aims:

- to develop relationship skills and co-operation with peers
- to be more empathy and patients with the younger children
- to depend group trust, cohesion development, team building and co-operation with each other.
- stress management
- Physical development - body awareness.

Comments are most welcome. Thank you in advance.


  1. When motivation and energy wanes or declines, review the group structure and process. Do you have a build in mechanism to do just that? There could be a variety of reasons that could explain the group symptoms that is being displayed. Groups generally do need a beginning and an ending. Is your group open ended without beginning and ending? This is when practitioners or group workers running the group needs supervision to understanding what may be going on with the individuals and the group as a whole. Being a group facilitator is a skilled role as they are so many dimensions and complexities to consider. I see your aims more or less reflects adults or parents/teachers aims what we want for them.....I suppose if i am attending a group I want it to be fun, interesting, enjoyable, creative, have a laugh, etc. Isn't that what music, play is all about? Could those aims be considered?.

  2. Sad to say, that the music therapy is so structure and monotonous, we as parent facilitator was given a template to follow and I can see the children is not having fun. May be the centre is more focus on motor skills and social development.
